Independent valuation

ISEC Services is under the supervision of the Swedish FSA, Finansinspektionen, and is licensed to conduct fund operations in accordance with LAIF (2013: 561) and LVF (2004: 46) and thus has the opportunity to enter into assignment agreements and assume functional responsibility for independent valuation for alternative investment funds (AIF).

Finansinspektionen has announced that the priority theme for supervision in 2022 will be valuation and special focus will be on hard-to-value assets such as corporate bonds.

“The valuation of funds' holdings is central to fund operations. It forms the basis for the unit prices at which unit holders subscribe and redeem units and for how large a management fee a unit holder may pay. ” // Finansinspektionen.

ISEC Services can offer external and independent valuation in accordance with LAIF and also perform independent price / valuation controls for UCITS funds.

We can provide:

• Function for independent valuation (Chapter 8 §7 LAIF 2013: 561) to meet the requirement of appropriate and consistent procedures for a correct and independent valuation of the fund's assets.

• Independent price and NAV controls for mutual funds (UCITS)

• Review of internal rules for valuation, valuation process and pricing methodology